Monday, 28 February 2011

Tolerance by ignorance.

In the name of Allah.

And so I had another two-hour lecture for Immunology. Sad to say, I was wide awake only for the first five minutes or so and the rest was the endless effort of rocking my body back and forth trying to stay conscious. Nothing to be proud of, I know.

Just when I thought that the effort was going to end up in vain, the title 'Tolerance by Ignorance' appeared on the screen. Koyak! T.T Why you ask?

Have you ever wondered what will happen to the non-believers on the Day of Judgment? Some might say, "hell fire".

Wouldn't that be the opposite of Allah being al-'Adl and al-Hakim? The fact that the light of Islam is not shed among the non-believers makes them ignorant and such punishment shows nothing close to justice. Even in the Holy Quran, Allah reveals that :

"And whosoever does not respond to Allah's Caller, he cannot escape on earth, and there will be no Auliya' (protectors) for him besides Allah (from Allah's Punishment). Those are in manifest error." Al-Ahqaf [46:32]

In simple words, we have to preach first!

Their ignorance might save them from the fire but not us, for we bear al-Haq on our shoulders. Are we not the unjust ones for concealing the truth that was revealed to our beloved Prophet s.a.w.? I won't say more. Something for all of us, especially me, to think and ponder.

The more you know, the greater your responsibility will be.

Let's pray to Allah that we are able to do our part in delivering the risalah and not to be held accountable for the ignorance that dwells. Amiin.


  1. tersenguk2 :p
    minum kopi, it helps :D

  2. I think I need more than just caffeine to stay awake in that lecture :D

  3. i just googled "tolerance by ignorance" immunology and got your blog! Its not amazing for revision though >.<


  4. LOL Dan! I didn't mean to ruin your revision. :p
