Sunday, 27 March 2011

"I like squiggles."

In the name of Allah.

This is my first entry from iPhone. Why? No electricity. Probably we need to top up. *sigh* So, I decided to download iBlogger. :D

Anyway, A LOT happened yesterday - the good, the bad and the worst. Everything happens for a reason right? I believe it was to test my patience. I have to admit that emotions can cloud my judgements sometimes. Well, that's an understatement; most of the times.

I just can't believe that someone who's not involved in the things that you do could simply humiliate and launch personal attacks on you in public. I wish I could elaborate more on this but it just doesn't feel right. I remember Imam Ghazali once said:

"To control one's anger is a genuine strength."

Alhamdulillah. I managed to get a hold of myself. :)

That was the bad and the good. And the worst, I am a jerk. It reminds me of how imperfect I am in comparison with Rasulullah s.a.w.. Still a long long way to go.

"'O Allah, forgive me for I have sinned."

P/s : I'm sorry. You know who you are. :(

P/s/s : The title? Don't ask. It just feels right. :)

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